Psyche Artist / Eclectic Expressionist / Educator

Networking Tips for Healers & Therapists

Here are the 3 most important things to know about networking as a healer. These tips are a preview into the online class, How to Build A Successful Practice as a Healer, taught by Oakland-based psychotherapist and educator, Laura Mae Northrup.

3 Things Every Expert Networker Does

Hello! I assume you are here because you are a healer seeking more support in building your practice. Well, here’s the deal:

I am going to send you an awesome guide about how to do better networking. Why is networking important? Building a referral network is a very important part of having a successful practice, because: CHOOSING A HEALER IS VULNERABLE!  Most people ask someone they know for a referral when they are seeking a healer. When you sign up for the guide, I will also add you to my mailing list. You can unsubscribe anytime, no hard feelings!